Monday, May 28, 2007
Childhood Sweets
Or should that be childhood memories because already memories are flooding back. Something I remember very fondly is my mother's taste for Butterscotch - something she still loves today. Her own favourite was Callard and Bowser Butterscotch, it came in a little rectangular packet. The sweet itself was like a domino, scored in the middle to make for easy breaking in half. If I remember rightly they made Treacle Toffee too, but it wasn't as nice.
Now do you know what I really remember - and miss - Lime Barrels! They are a long since extinct chocolate from the Milk Tray selection. Oh, and do you remember Milk Tray Bars - bars of chocolate but with Milk Tray chocolates to break off? Lovely.
Then there were Fry's Chocolate Cream bars - the five fruit flavoured variety which no longer exists. Oh, and Spangles. Oh how I loved Spangles - I remember fruity ones and Old English flavour too. What else - oh, Cherry Drops, Pineapple Chunks, Aniseed Balls - yummy, and my very favourite Bulls Eyes.
These days my sweet tooth has packed it's bag and gone which I am sure is a VERY GOOD THING but just sometimes I can be found with a Dipped Flake or a bar of Whole Nut.
I have discovered I can get Bulls Eyes HERE but I warn you - it's a very dangerous place to visit!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
The Morning After the Night Before
Today though I am feeling distinctly unwell. And I don't think it is alcohol induced either. My legs ache and I have very little energy at all. I'm a bit light headed too. I think it's a bit of what DS had the other day.
I've finally finished the back of Bob having frogged the first 3 balls knitted. I have decided to make this a back and front knit rather than knit it in the round. I have had far too many knots ( 11 in 5 balls at the last count, one of which wasn't even a knot, it was two loose ends ) so joining all of these in "in the round" was just so noticeable - well to me anyway.
I'm still not sure I shall like this - I'm hoping my knitting will appear neater when I have washed the finished article. At the moment it's looking a tad uneven to say the least. And I didn't use the frogged yarn on the Stocking Stitch bit in case you were wondering, I used those up in the ribbed bits.
I'm back off to bed.

Before I go I should tell you about the Who gig shouldn't I. Let me tell you there's no band quite like The Who live, they are STILL magnificent, loud and irreverent. That was my eighth time of seeing them over four decades, and I shall never ever tire of seeing them. DS slept all the way there and all the way home, but managed to enjoy the gig itself.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The Poorly Blanket
The poorly blanket is a quilt. I was made for me as a wedding present by my grandmother who was by then 87. My granny made beautiful quilts, hexagons usually, out of scraps of leftover material, each one hand stitched, unique and beautiful.
This one is different. Not hexagons, but squares. And I love it. It was made with failing eyesight, Alzheimers and love. It was the last quilt she made, and by the time it was finished she had forgotten who she was making it for. The stitching isn't brilliant, but they are HER stitches, and it's one of my treasures and I just adore it.
It was always used as a snuggle up when the children were poorly - hence the term pooorly blanket. Here it is. It's not huge, it's just the right size for a little one to snuggle in.

I can only hope that if I am still around at 87 that I will still be capable of knitting or sewing something - whether it would then be as fondly remembered a quarter of a century later who knows. This little quilt is absolutely priceless.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Daemons and Wizards
No - it's not Uriah Heep - hands up who remembers though - but Daemons from the wonderful world of Philip Pullman. Although I am not sure if I can bring myself to watch a film called The Golden Compass - even if that IS what "Northern Lights" was published as in the States, and not sure at all if I should break my rule about watching films of brilliant books in case the brilliant book is spoiled forever, but I was curious to know what my daemon might be. I think I'm pleased with the result.
I was lucky enough to have seen this performed on stage at The National Theatre and found the books fascinating. Here's a link to the film The Golden Compass
Apologies for two posts in one day!
Eta - My daemon has changed 8 times now - I've been a snow leopard, a wolf, an eagle, a tiger and now a ladybird amongst others!
But only one comment other than mine on the post..........
Eight Random Things About Me
1: Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
2: People who are tagged, write a blog post about their own 8 random things, and post these rules.
3: At the end of your post you need to tag 8 people and include their names.
4: Don't forget to leave them a comment and tell them they're tagged, and to read your blog.
So, here goes, completely random and not in any particular order...........
1. I played the viola when I was a child, and was in the County Youth Orchestra ( Montgomeryshire ) and once played in the Welsh National Youth Orchestra in a competition in Stuttgart. I haven't played the Viola for over 30 years as it was a county instrument and so it was returned when I left school.
2. Speaking of school I hated it with a passion. Hated it. I crossed off every single day of my last year on the calendar, and did the bare minimum required of me to get the qualifications I needed to become a nurse. The teachers who taught me had all taught my brother, and I gave up trying to live up to their expectations of me based on his abilities. This sadly has stayed with me all these years, and my brother and I enjoy an uneasy relationship.
3. I love being a nurse. I have never wanted to be anything else, nor could I imagine doing anything else. However, I despair of our NHS and what it has become, and find myself longing for "the good old days". When we were actually able to do our job without mountains of paperwork and beurocracy and targets and actually CARE for people. And their families. In safe clean environments. And actually do hands on care. Oh I miss that!
4. I am inordinately proud of my children.
5. I find the older I get the less I care about what people think of me, and have developed an unfortunate habit of saying what I think, which doesn't always win friends and influence people! I have always stood up for the underdog, and am a socialist ( note the small "s" ) at heart but in this day and age find it impossible to vote Labour. I have always had a rebellious nature and habit of doing as I pleased and was very unconventional back in the 70's. Meeting Mr A and having children reigned me in for a few years, but I am gradually going back to my old ways. And loving it!
6. Several years ago I had a slipped disc which resulted in my having a dropped foot and very little sensation in my right leg below my knee It is most disconcerting to have an itch, scratch it, not be able to feel the scratch yet relieve the itch! I was told by my consultant that I would never walk properly again, let alone work, and I've proved him wrong on both counts. I have thrown my splint away, and occasionally fall flat on my face when my foot doesn't work or I'm tired, but it won't beat me!
7. I LOVE football. Love it passionately. I love nothing better than being in the Kop at Anfield sing and chanting - there is something very tribal about it - and it's been a magical place for me since I first went there back in the early 70's. I shall be very sad when the old stadium goes, but that's "progress" I guess.
8. I am VERY stubborn - the original immovable object - and I am NEVER wrong! Although I can always see the other point of view, and have been known to play devil's advocate, I KNOW I am always right!
So there you have it! Eight random things about me. Now then, I am going to be very naughty here, and not tag anyone - ever the rebel - but say please, if you'd like to, post eight random things about yourself.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Forest Canopy Shawl

Yarn: Posh Yarn Emily in Recite
Shawl edging: Chrissy's custom-dyed Emily yarn
Needles: Pony 5mm
Now, who would have thought that this little kite shaped thingy would block out and become something completely different!

I discovered that the picnic blanket was ideal for blocking - straight lines to guide you and a waterproof backing.

Monica thought it was her turn to do the modelling again
And another close-up!

I have many people to thank for this shawl. You all know who you are, but a special mention must go again to Pictish, terri and Chrissy. I'd also like to thank everyone for their support and encouragement when I ran out of yarn. This is a lovely pattern to knit, and I dare say there will be other Forest Canopy Shawls in the future.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
A Little Help from my Friends

Well, Chrissy could and Chrissy did and this is the result - a perfectly contrasting skein of Emily for the edge of my shawl. I am quite overwhelmed by this, and so chuffed, and would like to thank them both very much.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Going Under Cover!

Monday, May 7, 2007
Here is Solva Harbour first thing Saturday morning - beautiful isn't it?
And the lovely little river that runs through the village
Caerfai Beach, just outside St Davids

St Davids Cathedral

The Bishops Palace at St Davids

Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Over the Moon!