It's been dishcloth swap time this month on CTNY. Earlier this week I received this lovely dishcloth from the equally lovely Linz along wth a dear little ladybird - what else! - and a miniature Forest Canopy which is so delicate. Recently I received a little teddy from Linz wearing it's own hand-made scarf, which I nearly lost to mum when I showed it to her. Linz is looking for another teddy, and the little FCS is for that so that mum can have her own. Isn't that lovely? The cloth is a Colinette one, Banyan in # Popsicle.

Here is the dishcloth that I sent to my partner Hanne - along with some chocolate, and some sugar mice for her two little boys. I can show you now because she received it yesterday. Posted in the UK Tuesday, it arrived in Finland on Friday I think is pretty good!
It's this pattern which I've used couple of times now, and it was made using Rowan Handknit Cotton. I have made three of these so far this month, one for Mr A and one for someone else! Mr A is very pleased with both of his new dishcloths and says thank you to Linz Too btw! It's his birthday tomorrow - shall I give him a night off washing up do you think?
It's this pattern which I've used couple of times now, and it was made using Rowan Handknit Cotton. I have made three of these so far this month, one for Mr A and one for someone else! Mr A is very pleased with both of his new dishcloths and says thank you to Linz Too btw! It's his birthday tomorrow - shall I give him a night off washing up do you think?

And now then, to awards. I love blogs and blogland, there are some wonderful people out here, and every now and then you get a lovely surprise when you visit. Gilraen's Knits is one of my favourite places to visit - a real riot of colour, inspirational socks, and yarn pron Friday which is lways a treat.
Gilraen gave me an award the other day which is now safely in my sidebar - the You Make my Day Award. Not quite what Clint Eastwood had in mind I don't think!!!!!!!! I was thrilled to receive it Gilraen, thank you very much.
In true blogland style I have to now award this award to other bloggers. Most of the bloggy people who come to mind appear to have had one already, so I am going to start by sharing this one with two newcomers to Blogland, Sandra and Pictish. They are both members of CTNY and have always made my day with their wonderful knitting. Sandra has been an inspiration in other ways recently, and let me tell you a Pictish yarn sale is worth camping out all night for. So there we are, two new bloggers who make my day! Why not visit Sandra's Place and Pictish Yarns for yourselves?
And finally, an award for the Ladybird at Linz's Knitting Spot who always makes my day!
Thank you Joy!!!!! That is SO kind. My first award and I've only just started!!!
Those are beautiful dishcloths I have to say.
Lovely dishcloths and a well deserved award! - Nicely awarded forward too!!
Dishcloth patterns are always so pretty! Well done on your award.
Well done on your award, Joy!
I love the dishcloths - I never thought of using Hand Knit Cotton for them and I've got loads of it in stash, too. ;0)
I have never been tempted to do dishcloths but I have to say that yet again your are converting me:) I especially like the green one.
A well deserved award I have to agree.
Re your post on my blog re Jitterbug , have you tried knitting with it as yet ? I really am worried if I should wash it prior to knitting incase it will stretch after !! I am just so dis-heartened lately with their yarns :(
I seriously hope you gave Mr A the night off from the washing up lol (Although I wonder if he could actually tear himself away from that dishcloth *wink*)
Well done on your award it's well desrved and thinkyou for sending to me...i'm touched (I also think that means i'd best update my blog...Febs update needs, well updating lol)
I think these swaps are fab though and your cloth to Hanne is so pretty and familar....:D
Mr A is waving to you from the kitchen as we speak Linz...........
aw he washed up on his birthday lol
lol...I read that last comment ;)
I do wonder about my sense of humour sometimes - my tongue is always in my cheek, but anyway I thought the better of it!
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