I'm sorry about yesterday - I've been very good really about everything and have tried very hard not to let things get to me too much, however yesterday I was just so angry that two such lovely people had been so upset that it all spilled over.
There have been DEVELOPMENTS. It seems that while I spent my day not sleeping yesterday, a flurry of emails and phone calls and gnashing of teeth was occurring, with the result that night shifts are now ten hours in length again. Honestly! All that upset.
A glitch in the system meant I could only view shifts yesterday and not book them, so they had to be done on my behalf. It's very hard trying to think what you might like to work in October but there you are, all done now.
My problem is that actually I quite like my job - if only I could be left alone to just get on and do what I do best, which is put my patient and their needs first and not have to consider resources and targets and beds and appointment systems and GP availability ....................
There is still a lot of cr*p to be dealt with, but this year I am a lot tougher mentally than I was, and I am NOT going to let it get to me. Added to which other people need me too and they will always come first. Going to work enables me to do and enjoy all the lovely things that I do, but at the end of the day it's just a job, it's not life, and if needs be I can walk away. But if I do, it will be on MY terms.
I've had some lovely messages - here and by email - you are all very good friends - thank you :-)
Yesterday started so well. I have to tell you there are some truly lovely people in this world, and blogless Kathryn from Knitting Haven is one of them. This stunning bag arrived yesterday, I had admired Kathryn's bag a little while ago and said how much I liked Amy Butler fabrics so Kathryn decided I should have one too. Isn't it beautiful. The fabric is from the Tea Box range, Star Paisley, # Apricot, lined with Apricot Oxford Stripe.

And - wonders will never cease - I appear to have a short row heel complete with wraps. I've no idea if it looks how it should and quite frankly I don't care. Quite why anyone in their right mind would want to knit a sock from the toe up I shall never know, but at least I can say I did it!!!!!