I think you can see that there were a lot of white horses around yesterday, although the photos don't manage to convey just how breezy it was. I felt very sorry for the numerous campers in the area.
We were very lucky yesterday, and managed to dodge the squally showers and enjoy a wonderful walk in and around Beadnell Bay. I am hoping to find my sense of perspective this week, I'm sure it must be out there somewhere ;-)
DS in a vain attempt at stone skimming.

The wind was blowing so much I could barely stand still enough to take this photo, the masts and rigging were rattling away like cow bells in the Swiss Alps yet the water in the harbour is a still and calm as anything.
It's just beginning to get light here, and the sky is looking cloudy but they are light clouds not yesterday's heavy stormclouds. The birds are just waking up, and I might just as well be at home, I still can't seem to get a night's sleep. Hopefully another day out in the fresh Northumberland air will do the trick.