
Yarn: LH Impression #07
Needles: Size 10 Aeros
Size 8 Aeros
Well just over a year ago I bought 8 balls of LH Impression and the Design Collection book to make Marguerite. It's been an on/off project - more off than on ;) not the least because I gained weight while it was otn, and I was quite sure it wouldn't fit - but didn't have the yarn for a size bigger and couldn't match the dye lot.
Losing a stone has given me confidence to finish it - sadly there is no-one at home at present to take a photo, so you'll have to make do with Monica the manneqin.
I'm really pleased with it. It fits very well, and is a beautifully shaped feminine cardigan. It's a wonderful feeling to have finished something else, and I'm all inspired to cast on for another project.
I have so many projects whizzing round in my head at the moment I want to knit them all - but I am going to starting Rosa from Debbie Bliss Summer Essentials in Cathay as soon as I get home from work tonight!
Joy it's absolutely beautiful.
You will look lovely in it and hopefully you will get your DH to take us a modelled pic;)
That looks gorgeous Joy, can't wait to see a modelled pic! Love the fitting of it.
It's beautiful and like everyone else, I'm looking forward to seeing a modelled photo (not that there's anything wrong with Monica's modelling!).
I've got Rosa OTN at the moment and it's a really easy pattern, just right for evening knitting when I'm watching the TV. What colour are you doing yours in? Mine's in old gold (which I bought from Hector's House). It's a bit pale for me really and not what I'd normally go for but it's a really lovely gentle colour and shows off the pattern well. And the Cathay is lovely to knit with btw. :0)
I've got the #14 Linda, which is what it's knitted in in the booklet - I bought it from Jannette as her prices are so good. Jannette describes it as eau de nil, I'd say lime green.
It's good to have a nice undemanding knit sometimes isn't it? Looking forward to seeing yours.
That is such a beautiful cardi, I love everything about it. Looking forward to seeing you in it :)
It is a lovely garment Joy, and beautifully finished. I too would love to see it on you. :)
Beautiful garment, it looks a treat, hope to see a modelled piccy too!
Joy its lovely - and I agree, it has a lovely feminine shape :)
it looks beautiful finished.
Happy Birthday Joy! :)
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