Forest Canapé

At last I am up and running with my knitting. As I said yesterday, for the duration of Le Tour the Forest Canopy Shawl has been renamed Forest Canapé. Knitting with a French flavour. And thank you Susan, how nice of you to visit my blog! And not to mind! I think I am going to enjoy this KAL
I am knitting this in a lovely sock yarn which I purchased from Natalie at this year's Woolfest - I'm afraid the label didn't have a colour, but as is always the way with Natalie's yarns it is a joy to knit with. I started last night, and have done the sixteen set up lace pattern rows and four pattern repeats.
I am going to Knit and Natter tonight with my friend Hilary, which usually entails more natter than knit, so don't expect progress any time soon! Oh and it's not a 6mm needle by the way it's an "old" size 6 which is the same as a 5mm needle, very few of my needles are metric and most of them are older than me! I'll be transferring to a circular soon.
Wasn't yesterday's stage dramatic! I shall leave you with a photo of my man to watch, Geraint Thomas the Welsh Wizard from Cardiff.
Joy what gorgeous yarn! It looks beautiful. And I love the pattern :) Enjoy Knit and Natter - you some relaxation after a busy day with the Tour :)
I thought the Parlour had a knitting club but never knew when it was... I will try and make it soon...
Shawl is looking good
..... what a picture, what a photograph...!!! - Sorry couldn't help that! Your shawl is looking good. Enjoy your natter and knit tonight!
Very posh Joy! Canape :)
It is looking very good.
VTW, thank you for the book back, card and beautiful lavender sachet. You are a sweetheart Joy :)
gorgeous yarn, have fun at the knitting club!! pass on my best wishes Hils. was just thinking it's not long till colinette now - yay!!!
Thank you everyone - I'm afaid we didn't make it any further than the coffee shop at Waitrose though. But it was lovely to catch up.
Oh, and Gilraen, you are very welcome :-) thank you for the loan of the book.
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