I haven't updated my blog for such a long time, for which I'm very sorry. I did manage to load a few photos from the I Knit Weekend but that sadly was as far as it got. Which is a shame, it was a wonderful couple of days which I thoroughly enjoyed.
I'm only hear today by virtue of being at home nursing a chest infection ( and feeling pretty rubbish to boot ) but I do intend to try to start blogging again soon because it's something I enjoy.
One of the reasons for my prolonged absence is that my mother has been in hospital for almost 9 weeks. Sadly, she won't be able to return to her own home, and I am currently looking into Nursing Home care locally to me for her. This has come at a time when I have started a new job ( no more nights, yay ) which I am thoroughly enjoying but is a bit of a learning curve and is taking some adapting to, so all in all life is a little testing at present to say the least.
So while I am not giving up blogging, it's just on hold for a little while. Please bear with me, I'll be back when I can.
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4 months ago