Yet again, this isn't for me. This shawl is due to be raffled once again for p/hop at this weekend's Fibrefest. I've not been to Fibrefest before, and I am really looking forward to it. Saturday is my 28th wedding anniversary, Mr A is off to watch his beloved Shrewsbury Town, so I am having a day out myself. I'll be helping out in the p/hop Knitting Emporium, and also helping Juliet of Artists Palette Yarns, so do say hello, I'll be wearing my Ravelry Thimblina badge. And do go and visit the lovely people from p/hop. They will have some lovely knitting patterns available in exchange for donations as well as the shawl.
I'm often asked why I knit so many of these, and there really isn't one answer to this. I have a real affininity with the pattern, and it gives me a great deal of pleasure to knit. I also have a real affinity with sock yarn ;-) and a lot of frends. So when birthdays or Christmases or special occasions come along, what better way to gift a skein of yarn. I get double the pleasure you see, not only do I get to gift the yarn, I get to knit with it as well :-)
I also here need to say a huge thank you to Susan who designed the Forest Canopy. Whenever I want to offer one of these for auction or raffle she never fails to give her permission for me to do so. Thank you Susan :-)
Its gorgeous Joy.
It is absolutely beautiful - I can't believe how different all of your FC's look - This is one of my favourites. Pity I won't be at fibre fest to win it!
Wow, if I win this my mum will do my washing for months [just a joke mum]...
Thanks so much Joy, look forward to see you at FF!
Wow, that is beautiful
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