What can I say? Not a cloud in the sky for almost two weeks, along comes Ravelry Day and down came the rain. Did it matter - not one little bit. The stallholders were wonderful despite the typical June day ;-) and seemed very busy all day, attracting passers-by as well as Ravellers.
Some Saturday shoppers were a little bemused. "More yarn" was often the puzzled expression, but all in all the good people of Coventry seemed very pleased to have the stallholders there.
The venue for the Day was wonderful. I can't praise highly enough everyone involved - not only the organisers who did such a wonderful job, but the people from the church too who made such a good job of keeping us all fed and watered. Even the Minister was walking around chatting to us all and collecting coffee cups.
My day was made all the more special by the workshop I attended. Plan Your Own Aran with Jared Flood was a wonderful two hours. I shall never be afraid to cable without a cable needle again. Who knows, I might even be tempted to steek!
I didn't manage a photo of Jared, an oversight that I intend to corrct this coming Thursday.
Meg Swansen gave a most enjoyable talk. She has a stash room of which I am very envious, and it was a pleasure to sit and listen to some amusing family anecdotes and her warm reminiscences about her mother.
I met so many friends, old and new. I am bound to forget someone, but Tricia, Ruth, Carol, Ali, Sandra, Claire, Liz, Blossom, Hayley, Jo, Jane, Jacky, Jeni, Heather,........... it was lovely to talk to you all :-) I will see some of you on Thursay.
Here are a few photos of the day - starting with my favourite.

The knit and natter room was always very popular

This particular shopping opportunity was always very busy

And in true British style, a little drop of rain wasn't going to deter anyone

The Natural Dye Studio - always popular wherever they are