As ever Race day dawned with the sun shining and blue skies. Worcester seems blessed with the weather on these occasions, and today was no exception. Just look at these lovely views across the bridge to the other side of the river and ultimately Pitchcroft.
It's a long old trek from the car park to the start of the Race - I'd walked at least a mile before I started!!!!!

Mr A came along for moral support and was in charge of the photos. Here go the last of the runners before we walkers get going.

I am in there - honest ;-)

I have no idea how long these two kept this up for! Sooner them than me.

Soon it was time to leave the racecourse and head into the city.

Almost there! There's always an uphill section at the end, but I've just done it here which is why I'm smiling.

I was so pleased to cross the finishing line. This was my fifth consecutive Race for Life, and I have to say it was the most difficult to date. I had an emotional moment about half way through when I remembered why I was doing it this year and I found it hard going after that. My time was around that of last year, but now that it's all done my hip hurts like heck and I shall have to think very carefully about doing it next year.
Well done Joy.
Well done Joy - I shall be thinking of you, and your nephew on Thursday when I do mine.
Well done Joy I am so proud of you for doing this once more. Hope you recover soon
Joy, you are a star, well done. xxxxxx
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