I needed to deliver the FCS for p/hop, and I had also promised to help my friend Juliet of Artists Palette Yarns on her stall so I was looking forward to a day with a difference.
Fibrefest is held biennially at the wonderful setting of Coldharbour Mill. It's hard to imagine a lovelier place to visit, and who would know that the M5 is just 10 minutes away - it's another world altogether.
I love festivals such as Fibrefest as it gives the opportunity to discover vendors one wouldn't normally see. This stall for example, Atomic Knitting, featured some of the most imaginative stitch markers I have come across for a long time.
Here are Anni and Simon of Yarn Addict. It was lovely to catch up with Anni again, and see her lovely shawls in person, especially the new Trinity Shawls.
And here is the p/hop Knitting Emporium looking suitably busy.

And forgive this little indulgence, but here's the FCS I showed you in my previous post. I feel quite maternal about these shawls, and I'm hoping it is won by someone who will look after and appreciate it.
Here are the lovely yarns on the Artists Palette stall. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed my day - or how exhausting it was! I am full of renewed admiration for all vendors, thay have much more stamina than I do!
Even the car parking was picuresque yesterday :-)