"Surely not" I hear you cry - not another Forest Canopy Shawl? Yes indeedy it's my third. I wanted to say thank-you to Chrissy for her recent generosity and I could hardly send her a skein of sock yarn now could I - coals to Newcastle and all that, so I knitted her a skein of yarn instead. And thank you Chrissy, it was a pleasure to make something for you! You are a star of the first order.
Forest Canopy Shoulder Shawl
Yarn: Fyberspates Sock Yarn
Needles: Size 7 Aeros

Recently over on Knitting Haven Holly had a little competition and to my great surprise my little sock yarn stash won the prize of a skein of O~Wool and here it is, isn't it beautiful. I am currently knitting squares for an Afgan in the Undercover Club and if possible will incorporate it into my blanket. O~Wool is lovely to work with, I made a Sharfik scarf for my eldest son last year for Christmas and it gives the most wonderful stitch definition.
Thank you Holly very much, and also everyone who voted for me!

Now then just look at this beautiful Piglottie Productions card and it's all mine! Thank you Piglottie, I shall treasure it. And at last I have one to keep for myself, I have bought several of Piglottie's cards, trouble is they are so beautiful it's hard to give them away! I had the devil of a job doing it justice in a photo, but if you click the photo you will see all the beautiful detail on it.

Piglottie and I have had our own little One-Skein Swap - isn't that CTH a divine colour! Thank you Piglottie very much, the colours are stunning - I shall save it for a special project, but NOT, I promise, another Forest Canopy!

Look what else the postman delivered this week - this beautiful dishcloth from the lovely Linda I was on holiday while the recent swap took place on Knitting Haven, but Linda thought I should have one anyway! It's already being put to good use, thank you Linda very much.

And finally............... belated thanks to Christina and Gilraen - I am now a Schmoozer!
"Schmoozing is the natural ability “to converse casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection. Good schmoozers effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogsphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello - all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship".
I think I like being a Schmoozer!

A well deserved winner of a Schmoozer award. Lovely yarn and wonderful gifts.
Oh lovely sock stash there, I guess you like lilac ? :D
Another lovely FC shawl! Some yummy yarn too!
Congratulations on your well deserved award. I love the FCS - and its such a great pattern, that I wouldn't mind knitting it again. Your sock stash looks lovely, and I'm glad you liked the CTH and the card.
Yay well done on your award...well deserved :D
Your Forest canopy is just beautiful and I never tire of seeing these...especially when made is such pretty delicate colours and as neatly done as yours.
I would love to have a sock stash even half the size of yours lol, but as soon as I get some I make socks with it, who would've thunked that!!!!! ;)
You can't knit too many FCs!
Your FC is just beautiful - the delicate colours work wonderfully with the pattern, don't they?
And well done on the well deserved award ... I love reading and hearing about life chez-vouz and seeing what's hot off the needles!
wow, what a post. First, Congratulations on the award. And the FC is gorgeous. Just love the colour. I've still not gotten around to making my first one. Got the pattern ages ago. May make one for Christmas. And your sock yarn stash is beautiful. It's not always size thatmatters. Your yarns are just stunning. And everything else in the post is beautiful too.
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