I was put to shame today - I have been to visit my mother in Welshpool. I may not have lived there for 34 years, but it is "home". Even down town this afternoon, I met people from school and old friends, we were chatting away as if we'd only seen each other yesterday, I could almost live there still.
Now, mum's memory may be failing - she may not know who the Prime Minister is, goodness knows, she doesn't remember my name half the time, but oh does she love her garden - so I thought I'd share a few photos with you.
DD has given me permission to add the photo of her with mum too. Now then, how long have I been blogging - I have finally caught on and discovered I can make my photos bigger if I want to. Honestly!

I love this last photo :-)
Doesn't it look wonderful - it fair puts mine to shame. She may need help in the home, but the garden is all her own work, and if I look as well as she does and am as active as she is at 89 I'll be well pleased.
I'm having a G&T as I write - cheers mum, Iechyd da, see you in two weeks time!
Hopefully, some knitting progress soon.
What an absolutely beautiful garden!
I think you mum is lovely, she always looks so happy in all her photos.
say hello from me :D
Your Mum's garden is lovely. I'm sure she must get lots of pleasure from it.
I'm sure it provides her with a lot of 'therapy' and you know she is still going, in some ways, great guns while she can enjoy it as much as she obviously does. :)
The garden is an absolute credit to your Mum. She obviously has passed her eye for colour to her daughter :)
Oh my, as you wrote about your mom I was thinking how sweet, then I saw her garden and the photo of you together and I became misty-eyed, such a beautiful garden, such a beutiful piece of history to cherish!
She certainly has the touch with gardening!!!
How lovely. Such a beautiful picture of you together in the garden too. Thanks for sharing, it made me go all weepy : )
What a beautiful garden. And a wonderful mam too! :0)
Thank you for your lovely comments. Mum has always loved her garden.
What a beautiful garden, lovely photos :-)
Thanks for your comments about Wales on my blog too :-) I hadn't read that particular Graves poem (although we did do "Goodbye to All That" for O level English), I wish we had read his poetry though! very evocative. And Richard Burton is one of my favourites, I shall have to look out more of his voice work. War of the Worlds is just incredible with his narration.
What a beautiful garden. How wonderful that your mum can still do this despite her other problems.
What glorious photo's ... the garden is stunning but the warmth between the 3 generations of aknita family is even more special and so tangable in the pictures! There's such a strong family resemblance beween you all!
Ahhh, the sizing of phot's too! It's been driving me daft for the past few blog entries! Most were clickable to enlarge, but that feature has gone on strike for the past few entries. Hopefully, I think I've got it sorted again.
wow, I'm so impressed with your Mum's garden. It's amazing. And that she looks after it herself is also amazing. I feel embarassed looking out at our garden. The pictures of you with your Mum and your daughter with your Mum are reall lovely too.
Your Mum's garden is wonderful. It's just the type of garden I'd love to have :-)
Your mum's garden is wonderful! I shall not complain next time my back creaks a little after pottering around on my tiny patio for the afternoon, but instead think of your mum and how beautiful her garden is.
Wow that garden is amazing...... so much hard work, leaves me in shame !! Beautiful photies of the three generations.
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