Sounds a bit Enid Blyton doesn't it?
I received an email this morning to tell me a comment needed to be moderated on my blog - but it wasn't my blog at all that the comment was for, it was for another blog altogether.
I have subsequently discoved that two comments haven't arrived here, so I have disabled comment moderation.
If anyone else has commented, it's probably gone forever - so if you have, and you're wondering where it is, please do so again. IYSWIM :lol:
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4 months ago
Very Enid Blyton!
BTW, I've given you a You Make My Day Award. :0)
I've had no probs with comments but Blogger has been behaving strangely over the weekend with underlining when I didn't, miss-linking and not saving when it should. It seems ok today though.
Shawl is fabulous and sorry about the comments going missing
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