There's nothing like a family weekend to restore my equilibrium, and this has been a lovely one. Yesterday afternoon DS2 and I went to see a production of Blood Brothers at Malvern Theatres and very good it was too. I hadn't seen it before, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
This was followed by our first barbeque of the year. Do you know we were still sitting in the garden at 9:30 yesterday evening - wonderful.
This morning saw us all up and out by 8:15 heading for Tewkesbury and the Half Marathon. DS1 had come home for the weekend to run, it is one of several warm up races ahead of the Great North Run.
This is Tewkesbury Abbey, taken across the fields from the start of the race, not a view one normally has of the abbey.

We then left Tewkesbury and drove to the lovely village of Bredon ( a four mile drive for us, it was the 9 mile marker in the race )

Rob is the fourth one along in this group.

Not a good photo - he was reaching out for water!

From Bredon back to Tewkesbury for the end of the race. Rob is just to the right of the cross, you can just see Mr A and DD to the right of the photo.

Rob stopped his watch at 1 hour 27 minutes and 50 seconds, his chip time isn't available yet of course. It's hard to tell, but we reckon he was in the top 50. He had desperately wanted to achieve 1 hour 25 minutes but it was far too hot for that, and I think he did REALLY well.
Where was DS2 you might ask? Home revising for his GCSE's perhaps? He is in Birmingham with his girlfriend. His first exam is on Wednesday, RE, he revised the whole syllabus in 2 hours last weekend so he's fine then isnt he .......................
I AM feeling better - it's days like this that help to remind me that work is just work and my family is everything. I have my sense of perspective back!
I AM feeling better - it's days like this that help to remind me that work is just work and my family is everything. I have my sense of perspective back!
Edited to add thet Rob's official position was 28th :-)
Great photos - he did really well and he looks SO like Mr A in those pics I think ;-)
And all those birthday goodies are gorgeous!! Glad you're feeling a bit better now.
So glad you're feeling better:) And you're quite right - family really is everything.
Yes nothing better than family time! :)
Well done Rob and I hope you had as lovely a time as it sounds like you had IYSWIM ;) :D
Good luck :)
well done Rob. I think you did it in fantastic time - it's been hot even here in Yorkshire lol
And lovely to have YOU back Joy.
That sounds more like yourself again. Well done Rob, a very good time. I hear you loud and clear on the revising the whole syllabus in 2 hours, it all sounds very familiar to me as I seem to have a son who did the very same thing this time last year. We mums worry far more than they do. Luckily mine were put to rest when he achieved 12 good gcse passes, but it doesn't stop me fretting any less, even more so now he's doing a levels. I thought things got easier as they grew up, instead it's just different challenges. I knew I should have got a hamster ;)
Glad to hear your feeling better, It sounds like you had a super time, you can't stay down for long when you have your family around. and well done to Rob :)
Good luck to your other son too in his exams :)
28th is awesome!! - My sis and I were running then and it was mighty hot. Well done to Rob!
Well done to Rob!
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