Do you remember Paying it Forward? I found it Jacquie's blog, and from there found Becka and from there found someone in need of an "Angel" and signed up. It must be so hard when a complete stranger signs up for something on your blog. We emailed a couple of times, and I returned a questionnaire that I was sent but I have heard nothing since then. I signed up on March 18th, which is over the six months ago now. Which is why I have been stalking the postman. And I thought I'd be upset. Or cross. Or both.
But, you know, I don't mind not receiving anything in the least. I mean, you can't go onto someone's blog or email them and say "oi, where's my PIF gift then?" now can you! And I so enjoyed knitted for Anni, Piglottie and Terri - see here and I have realised that that is what PIF is all about - making something for someone, and I have to say it gave me an inordinate amount of pleasure to see their pleasure iyswim. I hope I've made sense - basically I'm saying that it's better to give than to receive, and I really mean that.
And talking of making someone for something - someone made my day on Thursday. Blossom posted a photo on CTNY of her baby son wearing the Devan cardigan I made him last October using Yarn Yard Club Yarn from January last year. Now if he isn't one of life's important things I don't know what is! Thank you Blossom for allowing me to use your photo. I knitted the 6-12 month size, perfect for a Spring cardigan.

Photos of my aforementioned GORGEOUS Yarn Yard yarn which arrived this morning will have to wait. The snow is horizontal here ( I have just driven home from work in it too which wasn't very nice ) and the light is grim. The yarn is LOVELY and is all mine. Cranford mitts hopefully here I come!!!!!!!!
Beautiful baby and georgeous cardigan!! clever you Joy. ::D
I am finishing off my PIF gifts at the moment, I'm dithering abit as I'm afraid to give something that isn't good 'enough' so I have knitted different things but have still to decide which is best!!
I hope your PIF gifter is just in the same boat, but I have asked for addresses already from them........
I agree it is so much nicer to give than to receive..... I just took my nephew a Disney comic and the look on his face will keep me smiling all day - I got back in spades!!!! ;) That cardigan is perfect.
Oooh cute baby! I made that! lol! :)
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