Anyway I digress. Who on earth would have thunk it! One hundred blogposts - I always knew I could talk the hind leg of a donkey ;) it seems I can write it off too ;-) There's a competition coming up............
Today has seen the third stage of this year's Tour de France which saw an exciting end to the stage and France's Romain Feillu take the yellow jersey from Alejandro Valverde. Tomorrow sees an "épreuve de temps" with Mark Cavendish hopeful of a stage win. Filippo Pozzato of Team Liquigas is tenth in the overall standings - well done!
And how am I getting on you might ask - well I have fallen off my bike a couple of times but I've got back on again and I now think I can manage without stabilisers ;-) thanks to a wonderful woman called Wendy Johnson. I think I love Wendy :-)
Let me explain. The pairs of yo's I had were fine but they involved maths and counting for the second side. I am somewhat mathematically challenged at the best of times. I'm also tired and out of sorts at the moment ( I'm listening to Leonard Cohen which is never a good sign ) and I need a pattern which says "knit x number of stitches on y number of rows till you end up with z" not "knit to next yo pair and do x, y nd z with them and work out how many stitches you should/shouldn't have." I need simple.
And so to Wendy. Simplicity itself. No wraps. Just m1's, nothing else, m1's knitted on 4 dpn's from the toe up. Simple and exactly what I needed. I apologise for the quality of some of my photos but I am sure you want to see them anyway ;-)
See, I've recycled my chain, and knitted 12 stitches.

St stitch for 4 rows, then unzip the chain. Divide between 4 needles, and knit in the round.
Voila - it looks fab dosn't it? I love Wendy :-)

And sideways on - 64 sts and ready to go. *Just* a chart to read now!!!!!!

Et maintenant, la concurrence! Voici une voûte de forêt sur l'aiguille, ou est-ce que je devrais dire le canape. In other words, and now for the competion. Here is a forest canopy on the needle, or should I say canapé ;-) as no Tour de France would be complete without a canapé now would it.
It's being knitted using the lovely asphalt yarn from Natalie, and it's my celebratory bloggiversary prize. Simply comment on my blog during le Tour, and it could be yours. One comment, one entry, the more comments you make the more entries you will have. Winner announced at the end of July. ( it's only on a circular needle for photographic purposes btw, it's back on nice straight needles now :-)
The Intermediate Sprint
There is a little competion going on on the TDF KAL blog at present. This is my extremely feeble attempt to link my projects to the Tour de France in ALL categories.
Express Lane ( my sock pattern ) cyclists have cycling lanes - yes, I know, I told you it was feeble ;-)
Toe - ups ( an uphill struggle ) - apt for the Polka Dot Jersey challenge too which is for the King of the Mountains after all.
Two projects beng knitted in tandem - another cycling link!
The lovely Yarn Yard yarn - the asphalt grey to remind me of the tarmac which Tour cyclists will see rather a lot of ;-) and the green, a reminder of my green jersey project last year ..........
........... a canapé - no Tour should be without one! IMHO ;- )
And finally - I just LOVE France. So many wonderful family holidays to remember :-) especially watching a Tour stage in Brittany one year. Whoooooosh, there it was - gone!!!!!! Life was very much simpler in those days.
You toe up sock looks so neat, I need to practice mine!
Happy Centenary!! Great toe Joy :)
Watch the post this morning :)
good luck with your toe ups - I hope you enjoy them ;)
nice canape as well!!
Your toe is looking fab.
I was giggling away at your links to the french theme - way better than mine lol and of course the TdeF KAL would be the same with out it's Canape (I knew I should've copied and pasted that;))
Congratulations on your 100th post!!!!!
I should've typed 'wouldn't be the same' btw grr :D
You make it sound so easy!!! One day I will try ..... Good luck tho :-)
And that shawl looks stunning!!
Congratulations on 100 posts.
Congrats on 100 posts Joy!
Your sock toe is lovely and neat. Wendy's great, isn't she? :0)
Neil Diamond was fab wasn't he? My first ever concert and I couldn't have asked for better company. :0)
(And no, I didn't manage to get any sock knitting done!)
I'm team Silence Lotto...I might have accidentally gotten super excited checking out the tdf kal blog entries. Your project looks awesome!!
oooh your sock is looking wonderful, love the colour! Oh and happy blogversary!
You made the toe up start look easy, maybe I'll try it after all. The Forest Canopy looks great in the asphalt colours.
So many things to congratulate you on Joy! 100 blog posts... another gorgeous FCS and i think most of all...
Well done on the toe-up toe Joy, you're doing great! :o)
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