* Special Announcemnt *
*Just a little note to let you all know that the winning bid for the FCS was £30:00. The winning bidder won't be on-line again until Monday, but that will take my total to well over £200 which is an improvement on last year's total so thank you to everyone who has helped by either donating or commenting. Your contributions have been much appreciated.
My Race For Life widget is going to stay where it is for now, as it will remain open until 9th September.*
Yesterday evening finally saw me take part in this year's Race for Life at Malvern's Three Counties Showground. This was my first Malvern Race, this is a relatively new venue ( this was the third year ) but it makes far more sense to take part here rather than go to Worcester.
The skies had been heavy and threatening all day, with quite prolonged heavy showers all afternoon, so it was encourging to see the sun's rays above the hills when I arrived. Here I am before the start.
Getting ready for the big "warm up" - just look at that cloud!

I am so thrilled this morning. Not only do I not ache ( much ) I bettered last year's time of a shade over an hour to 48 minutes and 23 seconds which is quite overwhelming - well it is to me anyway ;-)
As ever this was an emotional occasion. As a family, and a large one at that, we have been relatively unscathed by cancer. However, it's been my privilege over the years to nurse many courageous and wonderful people, and to support their familes too, and this is my way of giving something back to all of them.
Please don't forget about the Forest Canopy here . Bidding currently stands at £16:00 over on CTNY.
Great pictures - and so lucky that cloud didn't burst! Fab time too, and you still look very composed at the end! :)
That big cloud was a thunder cloud and it was over my house all last night... and it has come back again this morning :-(
Well done for finishing and staying dry :-)
Well done! And congratulations aon bettering last years time.
It's nice that you can consider it a privelige to have nursed those people - I'm sure most people would consider it a privelige to have beeen nursed by you.
wonderful news:)) Well done
Well done Joy!! And good luck with the FSC it is gorgeous!! :)
Well done!! And with your bag too! :)
I'm here at last...good job i'm not trying to better my time ;) lol
You did amazinly well didn't you, well done indeed. :D
Your pink fcs is gorgeous and good on it's proud new owner too!
Well done, we have runs here in Canada as well. I usually participate in the breast cancer run as my tradition each year.
Well done and congratulations.
Congratulations - you look as cool and collected at the end as you did at the beginning!
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